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Final Paper free essay sample

An outline of this proposal s due in Week Three, and the proposal itself is due in Week Five. Your proposal must be properly formatted in A. P. A. Style and must be two to three pages in length (excluding title and reference pages). The following are specific requirements for this assignment: 1 . This assignment should be a planning proposal, as defined in our text, Technical Communication . The purpose of the proposal is to provide a solution to a problem or suggestions for improvement of a situation. 2. Assume that the audience for this proposal will be Oxford University administration. 3.Your proposal should fulfill the basic persuasive tasks outlined in Chapter Twenty-One of the text. 4. Your proposal should employ the persuasive techniques discussed in Chapter Four of the text. 5. Your proposal should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion that are appropriately labeled with these headings. 6. Your proposal should have a properly formatted A. We will write a custom essay sample on Final Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page P. A. Title page. (You do not need a Table of Contents. ) 7. Your proposal should have a properly formatted A. P. A. Reference page with at least two scholarly sources that support the problem or your suggestion/recommendation.If you are trying to make some extra money when you are away at Search for more tutorials here HTTPS://bitty. Com/rubella f you are trying to make some extra money when you are away at school and do not want it to interfere with your studies you should check out work study. Most of the time you will be able to get a position within your area of study and you can actually learn something. Communications. Final Paper free essay sample The name Romano was taken from the first wife of Ivan the Terrible who was Anastasia Romano, he daughter of Roman Youre. The children of Anastasia brother, Nikkei, took the surname Romano to honor their grandfather, the father of a tsarina. Michael Romano, Manikins grandson, became the first Romano tsar (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014). The dynasty began after the Time of Troubles, when the smoky sober, or the Assembly of the Land, elected a 16 year old boyar, Michael Romano, to become the new tsar (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014).The new tsar imposed autocratic rule and created strong alliance with foreign countries. Other notable Romans include Peter the Great, who made many reforms and modernized Russia. There was also Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, who improved the trade and industry of Russia, and returned its economic stability. Then there was Catherine the Great who increased Russians borders and strengthened the countrys army and naval fleet. We will write a custom essay sample on Final Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another prominent Romano was Alexander l, who was known for organizing the serfs and the nobles, and for defeating Napoleon.There was also Alexander II, who was called the Tsar Liberator, by freeing the serfs after many years of serfdom. The dynasty ended only with the execution f the royal family of Nicholas II during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. The last tsar, along With his wife and five children were executed by the Bolsheviks. By killing them all, it assured the new rulers of Russia that the Romans cannot ever reclaim the throne again. This paper aims to analyze the events that led to the fall of the Romano dynasty in 1917.Different political, social, and economic factors which may have contributed to the fall of the dynasty will be discussed. There will then be an analysis of all the factors presented to find out which of the causes was the most important in eating to the fall of the dynasty; CAUSES OF THE FALL OF THE DYNASTY Long-Term Causes Grievances of the Peasants For more than three centuries, the tsar of Russia always had an unchallenged autocratic rule over all his people. However, in the 19th century and with the spread of industrialization and new ideas, the people started to call for a constitutional monarchy.This new request from the people was brought about by the hardship suffered by the peasants after many years of serfdom. This is why in 1861, Tsar Alexander II was forced to emancipate the serfs (Ellsworth, 2007). One would think that the freedom of the serfs would bring great improvement to their lives, but what actually happened was the opposite. The emancipation just worsened the situation of the former serfs. They had to pay redemption payments and they had less of what they previously had (Ellsworth, 2007).With the ongoing industrialization in the West, ideas of freedom and revolution started to seep into the borders of Russia. As industrialization started to happen to Russia too, the people became more aware of the inefficiencies of their current state of governance ND began to ask for reforms and changes in their way of life. In the year 1905, a group of protesters marched to the Winter Palace to ask the Tsar for reforms. They were met with armed forces who shot at the protesters. What started to be a peaceful demonstration turned into a bloody disaster. This event, known as the Bloody Sunday, led to the Revolution of 1905. By then, the people were very unhappy. They wanted changes and they wanted these to happen as soon as possible. The Tsars Lack of Competence Nicholas II, who came into power in 1894, was tasked to rule Russia in a time of turmoil. During his reign, Russia became involved in a war with Japan which destroyed Russians economy and military fleets. This war became an important reason as to why the Revolution of 1 905 happened. Aside from the war, numerous strikes continued to happen across Russia. However, Nicholas II did not grand the peoples propositions of better wages, shorter working hours, and a constitution (A-A. K. D. , 1999). The war, coupled with the already dire situation in the country, multiplied the misery and discontent of the people. The Revolution of 1 905 led to the October Manifesto, where Nicholas II rated the Dumas. The Dumb is a legislative body elected by the people. However, this did not appease the majority. The Dumb seemed to not have any power at all since the tsar still had authority to undermine whatever the Dumb decides to do.The Dumb still had no effect on the rule of the tsar. The tsar still had the ultimate power. This led to the growing distrust the people had towards the tsar and his government (Ellsworth, 2007). Short-Term Causes World War I Russians involvement in World War I brought a lot of negative impacts to the country. Economically, inflation occurred due to increasing war costs. Priority was given to the production of military goods which led to shortages of many consumer goods. Food supply was decreasing and the wages of the workers were too low to combat the effects of inflation.The people did not have enough food and this led to social unrest (Peppier, 1998). This was yet another event which showed the incompetence of Nicholas II. The tsar, without any knowledge of military tactics, decided to go to the front and handle the military operations from there. When Russia lost many battles, Nicholas II was the one who was blamed. Not only was the blame even to him, his absence from the palace also brought about many problems on his administration. Gorier Rasping During the war when Nicholas II was away, his wife, the Tsarina Alexandra, became in charge of administration.The tsarina was already unpopular with the people because of her German origin. There were rumors that said she was telling the German Kaiser of Russians plans in the war. Aside from her unpopularity, there was also the figure of Gorier Rasping. Rasping was a mystic from Serbia who was called to Russia because apparently, he was the only one who could cure the hemophilia that was lagging the Disservice Alexei. Since he was the only man who could save her son, the Tsarina put all her trust on this mysterious and strange man, up to the point that he began to influence her decisions (Ellsworth, 2007).The Russians did not like Restraints growing influence and so they had him killed. However, nothing changed and the administration of the government still did not improve with the death of the mystic. Revolution of 191 7 By 191 7, the effects of the war had done so much damage to the Russian economy and its people. Increasing demands on resources for the war creased the production of consumer goods. There was inflation, and the people could not afford to buy food and other supplies (Ellsworth, 2007). Most of the countrys resources were used on war efforts and the rest of the Russians were almost forgotten.This led to a growing dissatisfaction among the people. They started to form revolutionary groups. They held strikes all over the capitals in Russia. The strikes spread from Petrography to other areas of the country. It became worse when the soldiers started to join the strikes instead of stopping these. This revolution forced the Tsar to abdicate. When Nicholas II abdicated, a new Provisional Government was formed (Ellsworth, 2007). This marked the end of the Romano rule in Russia. ANALYSIS The fall of the Romano dynasty is often credited to its last ruler, Nicholas II. However, Nicholas II cannot be solely blamed for years of unfortunate events and generations of mismanagement which eventually led to the fall of one of the longest dynasties in the world. During the discussion above, it is seen that there were long term causes as well as short term causes that may have led to the eventual fall of autocracy in Russia. To give all the blame to Nicholas II loud be wrong, seeing that there have been some events that happened before his time that may have contributed to the dissatisfaction of the people with the monarchy.Serfdom can be seen to have played a big role in the dissatisfaction of the Russians and in the decline of the Romano dynasty. There have been many serfs in Russia and when their freedom was granted, what they got was even more problems and suffering. This would make them blame the government for the ills they have suffered in their lives. Peasant uprisings were one of the factors that led to the Russian Revolution of 1 917 which eventua lly led to the fall of the Romano dynasty. Probably the most crucial event that led to the fall of the monarchy was the outbreak of World War l.While he was at the war front, Nicholas left Russia to be governed by his wife Alexandra, who was heavily influenced by the mystic, Gorier Rasping. Under his influence, the Empress became paranoid. She adopted repressive and oppressive policies and appointed and dismissed government officials without proper deliberation. Poor leadership at this time caused discontent which led to strikes and revolutions. The problems piled up until he tsar could no longer find a suitable solution that would please all the Russians.The Russians had no food, they had enough of autocracy and desperately wanted to stop the war. Once they realized that their pleas were not being answered, they brought the issue into their own hands and started the revolution. This then led to the abdication of the tsar and to the end of the Romano dynasty. CONCLUSIONS It would not be right to declare that the fall of the Romano dynasty was the fault of Tsar Nicholas II alone. What brought about the fall of the dynasty started even before the time of Nicholas II.The situation of the peasants after the Emancipation of 1 861 continued to worsen over the years. This long term cause, when combined with the devastation experienced by the country during World War l, brought about a revolution that the tsar could do nothing to stop. While previous revolutions were halted and the protesters were silenced, this time, in 1 917, no reform or promise from the tsar could change the minds of the people. They had suffered too many years under Romano rule and they believed that their suffering will not end until a new ruler is brought upon them. Final Paper free essay sample Target corporation is one of the biggest retailers there is out there, bringing in an estimate of $74 million dollars a year in revenue. Majority of Target revenue is earned during the busiest time of the year, which are Black Friday and holidays. Target has had a huge positive reputation because of the â€Å"Expect More Pay Less† promise and giving 5% back to the community. However, Target has been going through some hard times because of the Target breach that occurred during the holidays of 2013. This research paper will focus first on introducing the Target breach and how it has affected the company and what the company has done to fix the problem. Moving forward, I will focus on internal controls that Target could have applied and summarizing everything towards the end. Target Breach Internal Controls Target Corporation is a well known and respected retail store out there. Target is a corporation that buys goods from manufactures at a purchase discount price and reselling it to consumers in a higher price to make a profit. We will write a custom essay sample on Final Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Target has brought in revenue of $74 million dollars a year and continues to grow every year. However, Target has gone through some hard times with the Target breach that just occurred during the holidays of 2013. Consumers have had a hard time trusting their card readers and loyalty and sales have been dropping ever since. The question that is now in the air is what internal controls that company had during this breach and what could they have done to avoid this breach that just occurred. To begin with, the company was running perfectly and driving outstanding sales until the company and guest found out that they had a breach, also known to the community as the â€Å"Target Breach. Target corporation confirmed that a major data breach occurred between Black Friday and December 15, 2013, which includes many of the most important shopping days of the year† (Edelson, 2013). Ever since the Target breach, the company’s reputation was hurt, consumers were not confident about shopping, and are afraid of using the card readers at the stores. Later in time, after the breach was announced, the company had given further information on how the breach affected the people. It is believed that the breach affected roughly 40,000 card devices at store registers, which could mean that millions of cardholders could be vulnerable, according to the people familiar with the incident† (Sidel, 2013). On top of the 40,000 card devices being affected, 40 million people’s credit card and debit card information was stolen. The CEO of Target Corporation later released to the press and announced that personal information such as address, names, phone numbers, and e-mail address were also taken from the Target system. After reading about the Target breach, being an assistant manager for Target, and hearing about the tragic that has been caused, I remember feeling upset because of the way the company was going to be affected. However, it also reminded of the internal control concept that was thought in class. There was a lot of fraud involved with the Target breach, which is something that occurs when it comes to intern control. â€Å"Fraud refers to any act by the management or employees of business involving an internal deception for personal gain. Fraud may include, among other acts, embezzlement of business cash, theft of assets, filing false insurance claims, filing false health claims, and financial statement fraud† (Ferris, Wallace, Christensen, 2014, pg. 314). With the Target breach, you are able to see the fraud triangle concepts, which consist of pressure, opportunity, and rationalization. Being employed by Target, that concept came into mine when reading the article because there was an e-mail sent to management about believing that an employee that worked with the POS (point on sale) system had a lot of inside information within the system. The pressure was there to get information from the POS system and rationalization was involved when they knew that they can get credit card information. The opportunity occurred when they knew the busiest time of the year was going to be Black Friday and majority of the sales are driven in that day. From all that has occurred it is not clear what internal controls Target had in order to avoid this situation. Internal controls are important when it comes to businesses in order to avoid situation like the Target breach. There are two parts that I believe that important when it comes to internal controls, which are prevention control and detection control. A â€Å"prevention control is intended to deter a problem or fraud before it can arise† (Ferris, Wallace, Christensen, 2014, pg. 316). Target should have followed the prevention control with the POS system in order to avoid the Target breach. A â€Å"detection control, on the other hand, is designed to discover any problems or fraud shortly it arises† (Ferris, Wallace, Christensen, 2014, pg. 316). Target followed the detection control after the problem of the breach was brought and took justice in their own hands in order to fix the problem. The first thing Target did was post a prominent message on its Web site, â€Å"Important notice: unauthorized access to payment card data in the U. S. stores. † The message linked to a letter alerting customers that a breach occurred and outlining steps Target is taking to a voice a recurrence† (Edelson, 2013). Another step that Target has taken is bringing justice for the information was that was stolen out of their systems. Target had invested $5 million dollars into a multi-year campaign in order to stop phishing scams (Target, 2013). â€Å"Target has longstanding history of commitment to our communities, and cyber security is one of the most pressing issues facing consumers today,† said Steinhafel. â€Å"We are proud to be working with three trusted organizations-the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA), National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and Better Business Bureau (BBB)- to advance public education around cyber security† (Target, 2013). Target has gone to long measures to protect the information of the guest and reinsure loyalty by offering ProtectMyID, which keeps track of credit reports, monitoring, and identity theft (Target, 2013). As an apology to the guest, Target offered a 10% off discount to all guests which were a huge success for the company but numbers of transactions was cash paid. Being an employee for Target, we are still determine to follow our core roles, continue delivering the â€Å"Expect More Pay Less† promise, and delivering an excellent shopping experience for our guest in order to continue driving profitable sales and guest loyalty. In order to avoid this situation and detect the problem ahead of time, Target should have incorporated the following elements that are designed for prevention and detection controls. The first element is establish clear lines of authority and responsibility, which is giving authority to a supervisor or manager but also evaluation their consequently to companies policies and rules. Implement segregation of duties, â€Å"requires that when allocating various duties within the accounting system, management should make sure that no employee is assigned too many different responsibilities† (Ferris, Wallace, Christensen, 2014, pg.317). Hire competent personnel, which the company sees if that person has the education and qualified skills to perform that job. Use control number on all business documents, which is having all important documents with control numbers. Develop plans and budgets, which is having a plan and budget in order to bring the company forward. For example, the $5 m illion dollars that were invested in the anti fraud software in order to bring guest loyalty back. Maintain adequate accounting records, which is making sure that the company has the most recent accounting records. For example, the number of fraud claims that were reported under guest bank statements in order to reinvers their money back. Provide physical and electronic controls, is locking their doors or important files to prevent theft, which should have happened with the POS system. Conduct internal audit, â€Å"is a company function that provided independent appraisals of the company’s financial statement, its internal control, and its operations† (Ferris, Wallace, Christensen, 2014, pg. 319). In conclusion, we are able to see how the company was impacted from the breach that had occurred and the actions that the company has taken in order to fix the problem. People information had been stolen and finances have been tampered through it. We are able to see how internal controls play an important part when it comes to finances, accounting, and to businesses such as Target. If the proper elements and procedures had been applied with internal control I am sure that all of this could have been avoided or reduced.

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